Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How to Live a More Conscientious Life

We live in a world over run with information, technology, pulling us in a million different directions of this "go go go" world. So how to make peace with it all?

I have been actively engaging in living a simpler and more conscientious life. Living more presently and being aware of my actions and how I am spending my time has brought me to feeling much happier, more complete with the things I have, and more directed with my life and my time. How does one do this?

1. Put DOWN the technology.

I cannot stress this enough. Sure, technology is great. It connects us with those we love, brings us information faster, and makes daily tasks simpler. However, it is disconnecting us from living presently and takes us out of our present minds. Social media to many portrays a "perfect" version of peoples lives. Its easy to stage a picture, pick a filter, and post it with a catchy phrase to make it seem like everything is going well. Many people feel depressed about what they have and are doing with their lives seeing these "picture perfect" things going on in each others lives and it is far too easy to compare yourselves with them and thus feel like you don't have or are not doing enough. The easy way to solve this is to be real and vulnerable about what you do post. Do not edit your life.

Also, take social media off of your phone. We waste too much time checking in on other people every chance we have. Take a short amount of your day to go on and limit yourself. Instead, you can choose to think about your own blessings and interact with others rather than stare into your phone or ipad.

2. Run with a purpose.

I like to run early in the mornings to begin my days with positive vibrations as I have said before. Dedicating your runs to thought help me to make them more than just physical activity. Running without music can help you to think inwardly rather than distract yourself with your favorite tunes. If you do enjoy listening to something as I do, I now choose to listen to meaningful podcasts. My favorite is the Rich Roll Podcast hosted by ultra-marathon legend, Rich Roll. He has overcome addiction, changed his life with exercise and plant based food, and is ultra inspiring. He interviews guests from all different backgrounds ranging from runners, yogis, nutritionists, and speaks about things that are raw and real like addiction, depression, spirituality, etc. They cause me to think very deeply and inwardly about myself and my relationships and have greatly inpacked my life. I urge everyone to give them a listen.

3. Engage your brain not your eyes.

Many of us are accustomed to coming home after a long day, and binge watching our favorite shows and movies on Netflix. Instead, engage your brain. Change it up and watch a documentary or a Ted Talk, read a book, paint, do an adult coloring sheet! (Thanks mom.) All of these leave me much more relaxed and in a thoughtful state of mind. I feel better when my brain is engaged and thinking rather than turning to mush.

4. Slow down

Take time. Wake up a little earlier so you can have a relaxing morning. I spend a good 30-40 minutes for coffee and breakfast while I can catch up with my thoughts for the day ahead. Don't plan your days out, leave time for that afternoon bike ride, a coffee with a friend, life is about the little things and being peaceful beings. So slow it downnnn.

And after all, take time for that run. And run slow if ya want to!

Keep running friends :)

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