Friday, July 17, 2015

Finding Yourself Through Running

Sometimes life can feel a little hard. Its not all skipping through joyous runs, runners highs, and rainbows. This blog isn’t about finding something interesting to post day in and day out. Its about sharing my life, whats important to me, and my running lifestyle. And lately, life has been a little harder than usual.

A lot has changed in the last month, I moved apartments to a much quieter, less touristy area of Central Florida. Moving into an apartment alone is brand new for me, and I really enjoy it! Its great being able to get up and run at all hours and not worry about waking anyone else up. My space is always clean, organized, and peaceful. An important relationship in my life came to an end, I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my job and the career path I thought I always wanted, and that is causing a lot of unrest for me. I know that I put WAY too much pressure on myself, and I always have. I had my “Dream” fun job full time upon college graduation, and yet a month later I felt restless about not moving into my “Career” and without thinking through left, and have been bouncing around office jobs ever since, not happy. Moral of the story is to follow your heart not your head, and don’t rush through life.

How does this connect with running? To me, running is not my exercise. It is my meditation and my time for myself to be only with my thoughts. Here as I am pounding the pavement and huffing along I have my most intimate and real thoughts. There is no one, no technology, no media to distract my mind so that I be one with my thoughts, my real hopes and desires of life. I no longer feel tied down to anything, I am free.

Try a "naked" run. Take off your watch, leave your headphones at home. Try a new route, get lost on the path and in nature. You won't regret it :) You may just find yourself.

Keep running friends!

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