Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Crosstraining... Yep Gotta Do It!

It's like a swear word to runners... cross training... ugh! We can't just run and run and run and expect to feel okay or improve! Running puts quite a bit of wear and tear on a body, and only builds minimal muscle and improved endurance. I don't enjoy cross training any more than the next runner, but I do it!

My favorite forms of cross training DO NOT happen in the gym. I avoid gyms at all costs, I do not enjoy feeling like a hamster or staring at a clock watching the minutes tick by. So, I like to take out my bike and log some miles! You get to travel, see some beautiful scenery and its a great activity to do with friends or to see new places! Find a nice trail and take water and snacks and get lost :)

I do strength training (minimal) a few days a week. I focus on my arms, back, and core and also do some squats do target my legs. I add muscle very easily in my lower body so I do limit it, and focus more on my upper body. Here are some good exercises for that! womensrunning.competitor.com/2014/10/cross-training/6-exercises-strengthen-upper-body_30865

I also LOVE Tabata! Its simple and you can pick any exercise to incorporate into a fun program! Like jump squats, jumping jacks, burpees, etc. Tabata is a series of 8 sets, 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. Repeat 8 times and move onto another exercise! I like to do a total of 5 exercises. Its quick and VERY efficient... if you're new to it expect to be very sore the following day... or two.
Here is my personal favorite plan :) www.wayofgray.com/get-started/

When I'm sore, need a break and to relax my go to is YOGA! I love a good Bikram Yoga class, but when finances and time is tough I resort to Youtube, or making up my own little class. Having a good stretch sesh is great for running recovery and builds lean muscle. Incorporate stretching into your day, everyday! Just do it. 

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