Sunday, November 15, 2015

Let's Be Gentler

I could talk all day about how running makes me a better human, but in every way possible it truly makes me a better person. A more patient person, you can't fast forward a run. You have to take every step. Kinder, it makes me kinder to myself and to others, you can't think bad thoughts when you are doing something you love.

Above all, it makes me more gentle. And at this time, especially now, I think the world needs this. Now this may be very controversial to talk about so soon but I think it is a perspective others need to consider. The attacks on Paris and Beirut this past week were horrifying and unforgivable. I cannot even fathom the sorrow from those who lost loved ones, the Parisians, and the people of France. Our world has darkness in it, and darkness has left its mark and shown its face openly this week.

However, the way to improve peace in this dark world is to always be gentle. Be gentle with your word and actions to others, always. Speak kindly about all. This includes ALL countries of the Earth, and all its inhabitants. We are one people living on this rock floating through time together. We do not need to be separated by borders, cultures, races, nor religions. This week we are not praying for Paris, we are hoping for peace for mankind.

To all whom we meet, those traveling who may not speak our language; be patient. We all share the same bond of humanity. Language does not separate us. To those believing other religions; be understanding. Do not raise your beliefs above theirs and do not criticize theirs for what they think. Islam is not bad, the radical sectors of the religion like ISIS and the Taliban are. Be educated and know the difference. Be open, allow your heart to be open to those that need your heart. The world needs our heart, Syria, the entire Middle East, Paris, they need our heart and understanding. Bombs are not quieted by bombs.

We are not praying for Paris, we are praying for the world. But even more, we are working to improve the world. Let's take our activism another step; instead of sharing the same logo of peace or changing your profile picture to a French flag do something that makes a difference. Get off your computer and go into the world. Be accepting with everyone you meet. Be more patient when you are driving and lay off your horn. Do not hurry others at the checkout line. Say hello to someone with their head down. Strike up a conversation with the lonely person in a coffee shop. Call your mom. Quiet your negative thoughts. Imagine a world where you didn't have someone angrily honking behind you at a stoplight. Peace starts here. Peace starts small. Share kindness to everyone you meet and everyone you see. 

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