Wednesday, May 27, 2015

To Blog is to Inspire

I received the loveliest message from an old friend yesterday, about how I inspired her through my own running and how she has now run three half marathons of her own! Wow, what chills that ran up and down my spine and throughout my body after hearing that. If I could inspire one person from before I even began blogging just through photos on social media, then how many souls can I touch now? I did not expect to rub off on someone in such a profound way (yes profound, I find running to be the most exhilarating, calming, and refreshing part of my own life.)

 I have always been an open and my sister would say big-hearted, so the ultimate goal in my life has always been in one way or another to help others and touch other people in a positive way. Running is a great outlet for that; in my personal life and my work life others are always questioning about what and why I am eating certain things, when I am running, how my races are, etc. and there have even been friends and co-workers inspired to try running themselves! It can only do good and bring positivity into their lives, and they will see how they are transformed in every dimension of their lives. 

When I run I am more patient, more kind, loving of nature and animals, more positive, the list is endless. To wrap this little post up: give running a shot. No matter how fast or slow, or how long the distance it is still running and will always do good for your well being and your soul. Keep at it, it does not come easy but will feel amazing when you are done.

Keep running, friends :)

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