Friday, October 16, 2015

Why I Am Taking on the Marathon

Everyone has a different reason for why they do things; run, bike, yoga, knit, fish, whatever the hell you do just for you. But, everyone has a vastly different inner reason for this as well. Sometimes it is not until well into your journey that you discover your purpose for what you do.

***Side note: Let's also set something straight, I don't like to use the concept of "journey", and am going to try to refrain myself from using that term. To me, journey means a path to a destination. Ultimately, we all only have one destination from life, and that is death. So rather than me constantly trying to find a destination in life, I will remain present and describe my process as just being.***

Struggles in life are something everyone of all races, cultures, and incomes faces, and I have faced my fare share of struggle. From early adolescence I struggled with body issues and eating disorders, wanting to shrink my strong and muscular thighs I thank figure skating for. I allowed the media to dictate how I thought I should look, and with my thighs as thick and strong as a tree I did not fit in their category of "beautiful and thin." Through over exercising and controlling what I put in my mouth I shrunk to a very dangerous weight, while still continuing to strive to improve my skating abilities which I finally learned could not happen after depleting my muscle. So through my desire to become a better skater, and to live my life in a healthier way for myself and my family I healed myself and gained weight and muscle to grow stronger than ever. Through conditioning and healthy eating I excelled more than ever at my sport. 

In my young adult years as stated in an earlier blog post, A Little About Me, I found running to both feel good physically and mentally. Now, as a college graduate and feeling lost as most 23 year olds do in what their "purpose" and career path is, I have decided to take on the marathon. To me, a marathon is a pretty huge feat to face physically. I have never run more than about 14 miles and want to prove to myself that I am both dedicated and strong enough to do it. 

Mentally, running a marathon makes you strong. I call it free therapy. Sometimes you can be on runs for 2-3 hours, with nothing but yourself and your thoughts, much more time than most people spend not distracted by technology, other people, work, etc. I thank running for making good decisions, when you can argue and debate with yourself about something for unobstructed hours at a time you tend to make the right decision. I find myself thinking more about my direction in life and making choices based on what my heart wants rather than what society wants. Relationship wise on runs I can recollect the good times and also the bad times which helps me to heal the wounds I carry in my heart from friendships not working out (I am an empathic person and tend to always remember the good times.)

The marathon is a goal I can work towards and singly rely on myself to accomplish. As a type A personality, I like to work alone and control what I am working towards. Whether or not I complete this feat is something only I can place reliance on myself for; and at this state of my life it is important for me to spend some time alone and with my thoughts. 

I hope you will follow me on my physical and mental journey through this process. Weekly, I will post my runs, distances, the woes and the triumphs I learn from my body and my mind. Be prepared for some deep and emotionally driven posts, as I tend to get deep into my core on my runs.

Some life updates:

Everyone go see this documentary! "He Named Me Malala." SO inspirational in every way of life. Shakes you up and makes you feel very thankful for our education in America and our rights as humans. Sometimes the things we fight for here seem miniscule in retrospect to what others want as basic rights.

Just got in my new Garmin Forerunner 220! Love it, a big step up from my old watch which will now allow me to clock intervals for speed training and tell me my pace while I am currently running.

Have a peaceful and meaningful day, friends!

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