Monday, October 19, 2015

Compassion is Key

Fishing: I had been begging my parents to take me fishing for weeks on our annual summer trip to North Carolina. Probably around the age of 7, my father finally gave into my request. "Kelsey, before we pay we are going to observe to make sure this is something you want to do." However, my mind was set that I needed to fish. My father was wise, knowing I had a compassionate little heart for all living things, and as soon as I saw a fish pulled out of the lake with blood gushing out of its punctured lip, I was sobbing to leave. This is my earliest memory of passion for animals.

Being vegan is not nearly as important for my health as it is for the well being of all living things and the planet. Yes, the planet. My journey to becoming a vegan and a vegan activist encompassed my entire life; from being raised with a knowledge of what happens to animals, as a vegetarian family, and my furthered education in my college years has all shaped how I see animals today. Daily life for me is shaped by my compassion for animals; running gives me tunnel vision for nature and living creates. I eat ethically; a plant based and simple diet free of any animal derivatives, and I share my feelings and knowledge on the topic of animal rights and the environmental impact with anyone who will listen. I find many are "interested" but it's just "too hard" for them to give up meat. I reply that is bullshit, eating plant based is the most natural and simple way to live! 

Running has helped me to delve feeler into my passion for the environment and animals. On my runs I think and appreciate the earth more than ever else in my life. While running I enjoy listening to like minded individuals on their podcasts that open my eyes to other people who care strongly about animals, the Earth, fitness, nutrition, and consciousness. I look up to people like Rich Roll, Scott Jurek, Jackson Foster of Plantriotic. These activists lend their lives to sharing their knowledge of the subject and spreading the wealth with anyone they can. 

I believe that through actions like this, and forms of exercise or meditation they can help us to clear our minds and think more deeply about subjects that are important and matter to us. These are uninterrupted hours of my day where I can direct all of my thoughts and feeling onto these things that matter most to me.

So now, I contemplate my next steps. I want and need to make a difference in this world for compassion for all living things, people and animals alike. I have decided to change the name and the purpose of my blog to better represent who I am and what I want to write about. Writing solely about running out me in a bit of a corner because running means so much more to me than just a form of exercise. I also don't want to be a "mainstream" blogger writing about products and running fads, but more about sharing my passions, my thoughts, and my writing beyond just running to include poetry and meditative thoughts. Join me on my mission and follow my thoughts about peace for all. 

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