Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Only a Month Late….

The term “the city that never sleeps” should actually be “the people that never sleep.” I feel like I never get a chance to just sit down, write, and relax! But… not complaining at all. Life is wonderful, busy, and full of running! The Brooklyn Rock & Roll Half Marathon was now about a month ago. I trained (kinda), got up at the crack of dawn, and called an Uber to get to the start at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn. My Uber driver could not quite wrap his head around the idea of me running in an organized race, and running 13.1 miles for fun. After a quick de-tour into Manhattan, I arrived in plenty of time, dropped my bag, and headed to my corral. 

The sunrise over the Brooklyn Museum was stunning, and we were off! Prior, I had set a goal to run a sub 2 hour, but leading up I decided I just wanted to have fun. I am not good at forcing myself to run fast, do speed workouts, or be uncomfortable. Running for me has always been my time to clear my head. After my first mile at 8:45 pace, I decided to ditch the fun and go all out. The race passed in a total blur; bands at every mile, beautiful fall trees, and the burning of my own legs. At about mile 8 I started hurting as I have not really trained my long runs at a 9 minute pace. I ate my dates I carried with me, grabbed some water at the stations, and charged on. Mile 10 we entered Prospect Park, my first time there, and it was so lovely. The first time I had really seen the coming fall foliage this season! Of course, the park also boasted some decent hills, and I watched my pace slow down (thanks Florida flatness.) I kind of gave up my sub 2 hour at that point, and crossed in 2 hours and 2 minutes, realizing I totally could have done it. I got my medal, teared up as I always do appreciating my body and the spirit of running, and headed home for a bagel. Running races never fails to make me consider the human spirit; how we all line up excited to run miles and miles for no reason and how we cheer and urge each other on. I feel that if everyone ran, the world would be a more peaceful and wholesome place.

Another huge addition to my life recently, my running group “The Dashing Whippets.” I had done group runs in the past, but never really enjoyed them and always felt very self conscious as I do not deem myself as “speedy.” After a period of feeling alone, I decided to buck up and pay the dues and get myself out there. As soon as I showed up to our meeting spot Monday night, I was immediately welcomed and made to feel at home. The team is so supportive, friendly, and we all share an extreme passion for running. Finally, people I can talk running about 24/7 and they will understand my insanity of running a Marathon and the joy of discussing running shoes! After a few runs, and even cheering on fellow Whippets at the New York City Marathon, I feel like I have my family here in the big scary city. For anyone as meek as I am in joining a running group, do it. It could really change your life.

Cheering on the NYC Marathon from Mile 21 in the Bronx!

Some of the fall beauty I am really loving! Keep running friends.

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