Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fall Race Plans

Ah fall, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin beers, pumpkin candles, sweaters, boots fall leaves, cooler temperatures, and now I get to experience the transition of the season FO REAL! I could not be more excited. I am ticking the days away until the cool temperatures move in and I don't die running in the heat everyday and I can frolic in the park with leaves crunching under my feet!

Fall is also the perfect time for races, especially in New York City. It's been overwhelming trying to pick and choose what races I wanted to run; some weekends have half-marathons on both Saturday and Sunday! Here is what is on the books so far:

Run 10 Feed 10: 10k in Hudson River Park September 18.
My goal for this race is to run fast.... which I don't enjoy. I am a spiritual runner; I run for the enjoyment, the way it eases my mind and brings me peace. But for this race I would like to shoot for 55 minutes or under (fast for me.)

Brooklyn Rock and Roll Half Marathon: October 8
I have ALWAYS wanted to run a Rock & Roll after only hearing the best things about it! So when I found that one was just a quick train ride away I was sold. There are live bands all along the course, and much of it is run in Prospect Park that I am excited to see!

I am hoping for this to cut my PR by 7 minutes and run it in under two hours. Like I've said, I am an endurance runner, not a speed runner so I am hoping by incorporating one speed workout a week and a tempo run that I can accomplish this! A little over a month to go!

After my January marathon, I have been thirsty for another. I went back and forth thinking about the Brooklyn Marathon and Philadelphia Marathon (both in early November) that I would have adequate time training for, but with adjusting to city life, making new friends, I decided to wait to do another marathon. It was a tough decision, but after a little bit more time I think I will be more ready for the next one and the next training cycle. Perhaps I will get into the NYC Marathon next year, or the Marine Corps Marathon instead since it holds a special place in my heart as my dad and sister both ran in. I am also considering an ultra in the near future.... only time will tell!

Keep running friends :) 

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