Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I Believe in Myself, and My Dreams.

As I close out a year long chapter of my life working a "career, big girl" oriented job I write this post in celebration, and understanding many things about life and dreams I did not fully understand or appreciate before. I am very thankful for the struggles of the last year, the job unhappiness, and overall new perspective that I have gained and needed from it:

Always believe in yourself, and always follow your heart. Not affirmations that I always believed in or allowed myself to think. In more recent times, through different life experiences and some recent drastic changes to my heart and mind I fully embrace these things every single day.

A year ago, I left my dream job. Yes, my ultimate dream job. I had dreamed of working at Walt Disney World as early as I can remember, singing Disney princess songs in the shower to the distaste of my family every day, planned our annual January Disney vacation to a T along with color coded itineraries, went on a behind the scenes tour of Magic Kingdom for my 18th birthday where I cried, and even attended the University of Central Florida specifically so I could work at Disney in college. I began at Disney in May 2012 as a hostess at Cinderella’s Royal table (loved it), and 9 months later on my 21st birthday after multiple heart breaking auditions and being turned down, I was celebrating in Disney at the time, I got the call that I would be transferring to Entertainment. My heart sang that day in a way I never believed was possible. I had the greatest job in the world where I could first hand feel the love and joy from guests, make parents cry in utter happiness, and live my greatest dreams every single day. As I walked across the stage at UCF in May 2014 I had even decorated my cap with Disney pictures and rhinestones because I was finally a full time cast member after 9 more months of waiting.

However, things changed. I put a lot of pressure on myself to “grow up”, to be serious, to not have fun if it meant not sticking to the schedules I had made for myself. Freaking out that future jobs and people wouldn't take me seriously because of my job, I furiously searched for other jobs and upon interviewing at a recruiting firm, took it with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. “You have to do this Kelsey, you need to be serious now its time to grow up.” So although I knew it was not time, I went seasonal at Disney.

One year later today I feel like I have some great experience in what not to do in life. Don’t take jobs you know you may not enjoy simply for the titles and where they can get you. Hate sitting? Don’t take a desk/office job. I have gained a wealth of experience in two professional environments and am very thankful for both of them and what they can do for my future one day.

As of August 16th, after only two weeks of waiting (rather than my previous torturous nine months), I will be a full time cast member again doing what I am passionate about.  I can really thank the last year for teaching me that you don’t have to grow up if you don’t want to. Life is far too short to do something you don’t enjoy for 40 hours a week just to bring home a paycheck. You should be happy and feel fulfilled in your passions every single day, not just on the weekends or your time off. You should feel HAPPY every single day, including at work. We have so little in this life time wise, why waste what we have? Read below for another inspirational article about following your passions

I came to these conclusions through running. Both go hand in hand, on runs I would pray to the universe in my darkest days of feeling lost that I would find the path created for me and that I would fulfill it. Only WEEKS after, I was handed back my beloved and precious job. I cannot feel more blessed in my life that I for one have the opportunity to have this job, and two that I am being given my second chance at it. I will do my best at it daily, on hard days remember the amazing happiness and love I feel from it, and be a positive ray of light to those that can no longer feel that what they do matters.

All in all, follow your dreams. When no one else believes in you, believe in yourself always. Conforming to society's labels of success will not bring you success in your heart. Your dreams will.

Keep running and BELIEVING friends :)

**Thank you mom & dad for always supporting me, no matter what <3

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