Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Three People You'll Meet in NYC

Serendipity: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

I believe in fate, moments, and the power of the universe bringing important people and experiences into your life during crucial periods of time. My recent adventure to New York City brought me three very important people and conversations that will leave a lasting impact on me, and at a very influential time of my life.

#1: The Creative
While strolling through the streets of the very beautiful Dumbo area of Brooklyn, I noticed a little shop with the words "art" and "music" listed on the Windows and I made the decision to further investigate. Upon entry, a woman who greeted me with a welcoming smile that radiated the most beautiful rays of sunshine with a warm hello. Her name was Natchie. Natchie is a singer, songwriter, and illustrator by way of colored pencil who creates art inspired by her music. Many of these are scenes of New York City, like the Empire State Building and the main pathway of Central Park with tiny unique people on their merry way. Her art is very whimsical, bright, cheerful, and moving. The songs that inspired her art are breathtaking and some heartwrenching. She spoke to me like an old friend describing her way of creativity and her passions flowing from her voice. She helped me pick out a gift for my sister that could not be more perfect for her, and of course a couple for myself as well.

She followed her passions as a singer, songwriter, artist, and took these three things and cultivated them into an original career where she goes to work everyday doing the things she loves and helps to inspire others. I look up to Natchie for creating a niche and flourishing business for herself where she can go to her store everyday, draw, sing, talk to customers and give them a memorable experience that many artists can't by explaining her art to them and share her inspirations for them.

#2 The Entrepreneur
Being the tourist that I am, on my list of "must sees" was The High Line Park in the Chelsea area of Manhattan. It was later in the day around 7pm, and while peeking in the windows of the chic little shops of the Meatpacking District, I noticed a Christmas tree in one window made out of vinyl records. While I stopped to admire it, my friend and I realized our friend from college was also inside! We went in to say hello, and I got caught up speaking to a man selling his women's fragrances. (Excuse me for misplacing his business card and his name.)

His spirit really captured me. He told me about his career working for big name fragrance brands and his resume bursting with things like creating Clinique Happy, a scent I told him reminds me of my mother too. He wanted to create a more simple scent, something with the essence of a woman rather than an alcohol based over powering scent. He created his line from inspirations like a flower he admired in Central Park, which really struck home for me that people who love things like this could also fall in love with his fragrance. He asked me about my passions, I told him travel, and he urged me to take every opportunity I could and to chase my dreams no matter how far they take me. "Think outside of the box," he told me. Meeting him helped me to realize that a move to the city might be the next leap for me. A city full of passion, innovation, and constant inspiration and creativity. Just what I need.

#3 The Dreamer
I'll admit I have been slacking a little on this blog (working 50+ hours a week will do that do you.) 

Anyways, Sunday afternoon after a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge and meeting person #1, we got thirsty and stumbled into a bar in the Meatpacking District called The Brass Monkey. We sat down at the bar upstairs, and immediately our bartender came to greet us and I felt an instant connection to him and a desire to get to know everything about him. 

He told us about how he packed a suitcase four years previously and moved to New York City without knowing a soul there in order to peruse a career in acting. While in persist, he became a personal trainer and bartender to support himself while he auditioned and did shows in and around the city. His ambition and drive was so inspiring me to do whatever it takes and to "be bold." To live without fear of failure is something I can't say that I embody; I always have a plan and a fall back plan for everything I do. Upon departing, I asked if he would like to hangout the next day and bravely left my phone number.

The following day was more than a dream for me; we met for breakfast at Alice's Tea Cup. A quaint tea parlor there's after Alice in Wonderland was right up my alley being a Disney lover. We enjoyed breakfast and then walked around Central Park for hours and discussed love, ambition, dreams, and life. It was more than ever before like I was talking to an old friend and remembering someone I had forgotten. We met again that evening for dinner and to see the Christmas decorations and the tree at Rockefeller Center before we said goodbye (for then, the rest is history.)

Sometimes, life throws people at you just when you need the inspiration. This trip forever changed my life forcing me to think about my creativity, my career, and who I am meant to be. So buy a plane ticket, take a chance, explore. You never know who you may meet ;)

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